Sunday, 17 January 2010

Photography days and jays

After a final concerted fling on Tuesday, the snowy weather which has characterised the last few weeks has finally ended. Sadly in it's wake it has been uniformly drab and cloudy. As of this month I am working four days a week, giving me Fridays free as a dedicated photography day. Sadly, this Friday despite a very nice walk in the company of some fine wildlife - the light was too poor to bring back any shots. Hopefully that is not going to set the tone for the year.

So here instead is shot from New Year's day and a very shy jay which managed to hope behind a branch nearly every time I positioned myself to get a clean shot of it!



  1. Hoping for better weather and greater opportunities for you. That Jay most certainly was aware of your presence, as evidenced by it's expression, still a good catch~

  2. Hi Ian,
    I guess this is one of this hard bird to get pictures off. I've tried in forests around Paris, but he would not let me get close! I never managed to get a nice picture!


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